Fourth Congress of Public Health Association of Vietnam
On October 28, 2012, the Vietnam Public Health Association (VPHA) organized the 4th Congress to review the results achieved in the term 2012-2017. At the same time, it elects the Executive Board for the term of 2017-2020 and unified its operation strategy in the new term.

On October 28, 2012, the Vietnam Public Health Association (VPHA) organized the 4th Congress to review the results achieved in the term 2012-2017. At the same time, it elects the Executive Board for the term of 2017-2020 and unified its operation strategy in the new term.

During the term 2012-2017, VPHA and the network of provincial associations have constantly developed in scale, quality of operations, empowered, successfully implemented many public health intervention models, actively contributed. campaign to issue and implement many important policies.

Delegates meet and exchange before the meeting

Capacity building for the provincial network has been focused through the implementation of training courses on professional topics, advocacy communication, funding calling, project management, and operational management. dynamic, visiting and exchanging experiences between the Association provinces ... The management and coordination skills of the Association are enhanced. Vietnam Public Health Association also regularly supports the Association to seek mobilization of support resources from local and outside. In the 2012-2017 term, Vietnam Public Health Association established Bac Lieu Public Health Association and established a Public Health Research and Training Center.

Actively implement public health and policy advocacy programs

Vietnam Public Health Association has effectively implemented many public health programs, actively contributing to policy advocacy. The Association is an active member in the establishment of the Tobacco Control Law. After the Law came into effect in May 2013, activities to strengthen law enforcement, research results on law enforcement in the provinces of Hai Duong, Thai Binh, Binh Dinh, Khanh Hoa, Bac Lieu and Dong Tower; Thousands of units implement smoke-free workplaces, smoke-free models of Nha Trang City and Hue City, which are highly appreciated by national and international organizations. The recommendations of the study are reviewed by the government and applied to the national tobacco control program in the whole country.

Professor Le Vu Anh reports on the Vietnam Public Health Association's term 2012-2017

The Elderly Health Promotion Program focuses on advocacy on health care, promoting the role of the elderly; supervise and evaluate the implementation of the Elderly Law, propose and develop national and international programs on EL. A series of studies, health promotion and life improvement intervention programs have been implemented. Workshops to share research results and activities of elderly public health members are shared among members of the system. The Vietnam Public Health Association's recommendations on health promotion for the elderly are highly appreciated and included in strategic plans, into action programs for the nation's EL. The association will cooperate with the Vietnam Elderly Association to mobilize to develop policies to support and promote the role of EL based on scientific evidence.

In addition, the program of Ecological Health Development and Construction Initiative in Southeast Asia, Program for Capacity Building for Scientific Research Community in Sociology and Health also works effectively, contributing to expanding the community co-research, share scientific information, strengthen capacity for researchers.

In addition to the above public health programs, the Public Health Association actively participates in policy advocacy at public health fora, with the Fatherland Front, the National Assembly, the Ministry of Health and related ministries. The Association regularly participates in seminars and seminars organized by the National Assembly's Committee for Social Affairs, ministries and sectors to provide opinions, recommendations and evidence to develop people's policies. For the 2012-2017 term, VPHA organized 8 national public health conferences, attracting more and more scientists to participate in high quality research. Public Health Journal published 50 numbers as of October 2017. The magazine is highly rated at 1 point / a scientific article. In particular, the Journal of Public Health in English - Vietnam Journal of Public Health was officially launched from 2014, contributing to improving the position of science and practicing Vietnamese public health in the context of international integration. The magazine aims to achieve and be accepted into the international Medline system within the next 2 years. Besides, the topics on Health Economics, Sociology and Health, A Health - Ecological Health ... published in English are widely available in the national and international community of scientists. sacrifice.

Members of the Congress chairman are running the meeting

Affirm and enhance position

Through its public health programs, the Association increasingly affirms and enhances its reputation with domestic and foreign partners. The role and reputation of VPHA on national and international forums Advanced. International organizations invite the Association to host a number of major international conferences.

During the successful termination of the Association, the International Conference on Climate Change and Population Health 2013 was attended by about 300 delegates from 33 countries around the world. The 9th Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Health and Reproductive and Sexual Rights took place in November 2017 with about 1000 delegates from over 40 countries around the world. The Association was also asked to organize Conference of the World Public Health Association in 2020. The organization of large-scale international conferences is also an opportunity to strengthen the capacity of Association staff, to connect the Association with important domestic and foreign partners. , with donors and also an opportunity to introduce and expand the Association's network nationwide.

The Vietnam Public Health Association aims to become a social network and excellent practice of public health to enhance the health of the Vietnamese people. In the 2017-2022 tenure, VPHA continues to promote social mobilization and policy, implement public health models; Development of Public Health Magazine, Center for Public Health Research and Training at the same time build capacity of Association staff and develop, expand the Association's network. The Association will connect and consolidate centers to research and implement pilot intervention models in three representative regions of Vietnam to create social, intellectual and practical resources for public health to replicate the brand. results in the whole country.

The 4th Congress of the Vietnam Association of Public Health, the 2017-2022 term, has elected a new Executive Committee consisting of 29 members, the Inspection Committee consists of 3 members. Delegates in the congress voted for GS. Dr. Le Vu Anh is chairman of Vietnam Public Health Association for the 2017-2022 term, along with 5 Vice Presidents and 01 Secretary General of Vietnam Public Health Association.

New Executive Committee of Vietnam Public Health Association course IV, 2017 - 2022 term

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