1. History of Seasonal Influenza
Influenza has spread throughout the world and across many eras.1
2. Current Influenza Trends
The current seasonal influenza situation is complex worldwide, with an increasing number of cases in many countries. Here are some key points regarding the seasonal influenza situation:
Influenza Situation in Various Regions
- US: The 2024-2025 flu season is having a serious impact, with at least 24 million cases, 310,000 hospitalizations, and 13,000 deaths, including nearly 60 children. Clinics and emergency departments are overwhelmed, especially among children.2
- Japan: From September 2024 to the end of January 2025, Japan recorded about 9.5 million cases of seasonal flu, mainly caused by influenza A viruses. Major cities such as Tokyo and Osaka are the hardest hit areas.2
- Europe: Many European countries have also recorded a significant increase in flu. Romania reported a record of more than 170,000 flu cases in a single week.2 The World Health Organization (WHO) said seasonal flu viruses spread strongly in many European and North American countries.
- Australia: The national disease surveillance system recorded 1,055 cases of influenza in the first week of 2025, with a severe flu season forecast.2
3. Reasons for Increased Influenza Transmission
- Cold Weather: Cold weather creates favorable conditions for influenza viruses to thrive and spread.
- Increased Social Interaction: Holiday festivities and the return of international travel have increased the risk of transmission.2
Compiled by: Le Minh Dat (email: lmd@vpha.org.vn)
1. Y. Ghendon. Introduction to pandemic influenza through history. European journal of epidemiology. Aug 1994;10(4):451-3. doi:10.1007/bf01719673
2. Báo Điện tử Chính phủ. Dịch cúm mùa trên thế giới: Những diễn biến mới. Accessed Feb25, 2025. https://baochinhphu.vn/dich-cum-mua-tren-the-gioi-nhung-dien-bien-moi-102250216100633071.htm