Measures to prevent seasonal flu

Seasonal flu is an acute respiratory infection caused by the influenza virus. It occurs annually, typically during the winter and spring seasons. The disease spreads directly from infected individuals to healthy ones through small droplets when talking, coughing, or sneezing. In Vietnam, the commonly encountered influenza viruses are A/H3N2, A/H1N1, and B.

Cold and humid weather, environmental pollution, and crowded gatherings create favorable conditions for the influenza virus to develop and spread. To proactively prevent seasonal flu, let's explore some preventive measures for ourselves and those around us.

1. Get a flu vaccine:

a. Benefits of flu vaccination:

    • Flu vaccination is the most effective way to prevent flu and reduce the risk of serious complications. The vaccine helps the body build immunity against common influenza virus strains, providing 70-80% protection for healthy adults.2
    • The influenza virus is constantly changing, so getting vaccinated every year (according to the circulating influenza strain) is necessary to ensure the best protection. The vaccine begins to be effective about 2 weeks after vaccination.3
    • Some types of vaccines are currently allowed to circulate in Vietnam: Vaxigrip Tetra (France), Influvac Tetra (Netherlands), etc...

b. Priority vaccination subjects:

Everyone should get a flu shot to protect themselves. High-risk groups who should get a flu shot include 1:

    • Healthcare workers;
    • Children from 6 months to 8 years old;
    • People with chronic diseases (chronic lung disease, congenital heart disease, heart failure, diabetes, immunodeficiency…).
    • People over 65 years old.

c. Time for vaccination:

Getting vaccinated before the flu season (usually during winter and spring) is the optimal time. However, in Vietnam, where the flu can occur year-round, early vaccination is always recommended.

2. Other eventive measures:

The Department of Preventive Medicine, Ministry of Health, recommends that people take effective preventive measures as follows:4

    • Ensure personal hygiene, cover your mouth when sneezing; wash your hands regularly with soap and clean water; clean your nose and throat daily with salt water.
    • Keep your body warm and eat enough nutrients to improve your health.
    • Limit contact with flu patients or suspected cases when not necessary; Use medical masks when necessary.
    • People should not arbitrarily buy and use antiviral drugs (such as Tamiflu) but must follow the instructions and prescription of a doctor.
    • When having symptoms of cough, fever, runny nose, headache, and fatigue, go to a medical facility immediately for timely examination and treatment.

Source: Ministry of Health5

Compiled by: Le Minh Dat (email:



1. Bộ Y tế (2015), Quyết định số 5642/QĐ-BYT về việc ban hành tài liệu chuyên môn "hướng dẫn chẩn đoán và điều trị một số bệnh truyền nhiễm", ban hành ngày 31 tháng 12 năm 2015, chủ biên.

2. Bộ môn Dịch tễ học (2019), "Dịch tễ học bệnh Cúm", Giáo trình Dịch tễ học một số bệnh phổ biến, Nhà xuất bản Y học, Trường Đại học Y Hà Nội, tr. 130-139.

3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2024), Influenza Virus Genome Sequencing and Genetic Characterization, truy cập ngày Feb11-2025, tại trang web nstantly%20changing,the%20genome%20of%20these%20viruses.

4. Cục Y tế dự phòng (2020), ​Chủ động phòng chống bệnh cúm mùa, Trang thông tin điện tử Cục Y tế dự phòng, truy cập ngày Feb11-2025, tại trang web

5. [Infographic] Bộ Y tế khuyến cáo các biện pháp phòng bệnh cúm mùa (2025), truy cập ngày Feb11-2025, tại trang web

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