Dr. Le Minh Dat
Field of expertise:
- Epidemiology
- Scientific research methods
- Medical statistics
Work experience:
- Project officer: "Enhancing the involvement of private healthcare in Malaria Elimination in Vietnam during 2021-2023", Vietnam Public Health Association (2021-2023)
- Project officer: "Enhancing community participation in malaria prevention in Vietnam", Vietnam Public Health Association (2020)
- Researcher: Center for Health Science Research, School of Public Health (2017–2019)
Scientific profile:
- Contributed to the publication of 2 books on statistics and scientific research. Dr. Dat has also authored 22 domestic and 13 international publications.
- Participated in peer reviewing for the international journal Plos One.
- ORCID: (https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3240-2376)